Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A word of peace

To whome it may concern:
As it has become company policy to maintain the secrecy of who and how these posts affect other people this post will be no different. Although unlike many of these blog posts only one of the recent ones has become compromised. In result of this compromisation of a blog post another one (this one) is required to set the record straight.
None of these blog posts is to be taken seriously at any time unless the situation requires it of course. Except maybe this one is one exception to that rule although it seems i have snapped that absolute already several times (again). So the reason for my authoring this particular piece of literature is because i have offended a great human being. A human being whose gender shall be protected as well as her name. (haha that was a joke, it might be a guy you never know okay?) But this is an apology in the form of a blog post. I cannot say for sure if this particular being ever will choose to follow the link from a certain social networking website that leads to this particular bloggish website but if that scenario ever occurs i would be glad if it ended with that someone reading this post and realizing that i have given the matter much thought, and ended with the conclusion that i was wrong. Wronger than i had thought i would be. Much more wronger than my grammer at present. And I am sorry. How rude of me to put such a thing on a public website. Who am I to harshly misrepresent and judge others? No one. I feel bad about it. My perceptions are my perceptions, how i saw the situation may still be how i see the situation, i may not have changed my mind a ton about how it should have went down you see but thats not what was wrong. Thats how i am raised. I still like how i was raised, i still think it was right. You were raised with different ideas and think that they were right. Ya know does it matter whose is more right? Can one of them be more right? It may be like photons. Both wave and particle characteristics may be needed to better illustrate the situation because the situation may really be beyond any of ours control. So why did i even worry about it? Should have let it go.
My B. Dont let this put another fatal crack in the lamp of this sorry relationship.
This blog post has run its course. If in the scenario prescribed above the human being this is written for scans the changing eyes over the black and white symbols do not fear, this is not a drill. Yeah nevermind, its got to end and its getting a little too abstract to hold onto. Farewell and be well. So let it be written so let it be done.

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